If you’re looking for help to identify ducks with blue beaks, this will be the best article you read today.
In this post, you will find photos, identification info, calls, and all the fun information you need.
Examples of ducks with blue bills include the blue-billed duck, ruddy duck, American wigeon, greater scaup, lake duck, northern pintail, Andean duck, ringed teal, and many others.
Here are the 25 most interesting ones.
Table of Contents
Ducks With Blue Bills
Blue-billed Duck

- Scientific Name: Oxyura australis
- Lifespan: 10 years
- Wingspan: 23.6 in
- Beak Color: Bright blue
Blue-billed ducks are small stiff-tailed ducks – they have long and stiff tail feathers held erected when resting.
They are native to Australia and inhabit inland wetlands but also artificial wetlands, like sewage ponds.
Male blue-billed ducks have intense chestnut and black colors and bright blue bills. When the breeding season ends, their elongated bills turn slate blue.
Females are dark grayish.
Compared to other ducks, blue-billed ducks sit lower in water and are unlikely to be spotted on land.
They have difficulty walking and mostly move as penguins do.
Blue-billed ducks are very social birds and when the non-breeding season comes, they form huge flocks including several hundred.
They breed from November to March and gather around deep, freshwater swamps with dense vegetation; during the non-breeding season, they are most common around open lakes or dams, far from the shore.
Blue-billed ducks are omnivores and feed on seeds, buds, fruits, underwater plants, small invertebrates like mollusks, and aquatic insects.
These diving birds can also stay underwater for around 10 seconds while feeding.
Ruddy Duck

- Scientific Name: Oxyura jamaicensis
- Lifespan: up to 13 years
- Wingspan: 18.5 in
- Beak Color: Bright blue
Another stiff-tailed bird on our list of ducks with blue bills is the ruddy duck.
This small North American duck is found in the western and southern parts of the USA.
Identify it by the long stiff tail, short neck, black cap, and white cheeks.
Male ruddy ducks have rich chestnut plumage and bright blue scoop-shaped bills during summer.
When the winter comes, they become gray-brown and their beaks become dull grayish-blue.
Females and immatures have brown plumage, dark caps, and a dark line through their cheeks.
Ruddy ducks breed in marshy lakes and ponds. Females will use grass to build the nests in tall vegetation and lay 5-15 whitish eggs. They have the largest eggs of all ducks, compared to their body size.
Ruddy ducks become very aggressive during the breeding season; they can be spotted chasing away rabbits feeding on the shore close to them!
When the winter comes, these migratory ducks move to coastal bays and unfrozen lakes and ponds.
Ruddy ducks are omnivorous and feed on insects, crustaceans, and aquatic plants; they will also dive to grab food.
Although mainly silent, they might make some nasal calls, high-pitched calls, and hisses when feeling threatened. Males only have belch-like calls they use during courtship.
As part of their courtship ritual, male ruddy ducks will also perform a “bubbling display” where they will beat their bills against their chests in a rapid fashion, forcing air bubbles from their feathers.
American Wigeon

- Scientific Name: Mareca americana
- Lifespan: 2 years
- Wingspan: 30-36 in
- Beak Color: Pale blue
American wigeons are medium-sized dabbling ducks native to North America.
They are nicknamed “baldpates” due to the white crowns and foreheads of males.
Identify American wigeons by their round heads and short necks.
Males have pale cinnamon plumage, white caps, green stripes behind the eyes, and white bellies. Females are warm brown with brownish heads.
American wigeons also have short pale blue bills with black tips.
Due to the shorter size of their beaks, they can exert more force at the tip and pluck vegetation more easily.
Recognize these noisy ducks by their distinctive calls; males make wheezy “whoe-whoe” sounds while the females make low “qua-ack” ones.
American wigeons breed from April to May around wetlands, ponds, lakes, marshes, and rivers of Northern Canada and northwestern parts of the USA (including Idaho, Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington).
They build their nests on the ground, around grasslands and fields, and lay 6-12 creamy white eggs.
They are migratory ducks and move to southern parts of the USA, Central America, the Caribbean, and parts of South America for winter.
American wigeons are omnivores that feed on aquatic and terrestrial plants and insects and aquatic invertebrates, especially during the breeding season.
Northern Pintail

- Scientific Name: Anas acuta
- Lifespan: up to 22 years in the wild
- Wingspan: 31-37 in
- Beak Color: Bluish gray
Northern pintails are rather large ducks widespread across North America, Europe, and Asia.
They are one of the most numerous duck species in the world and were named after the long central tail feathers males have.
They can be recognized by their long necks and long and narrow wings.
Males are mostly gray and have chocolate brown heads, white breasts, and a white stripe extending up the side of their necks. Females are patterned light brown and have gray-brown heads and shorter tails than males.
Northern pintails have bluish bills they use to filter out seeds and insects.
Males will often make soft “proop-proop” whistling calls while the females make low croaks and mallard-like quacks.
Source: Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
In North America, northern pintails breed in wet grassland, lakesides, and tundras of Canada, Alaska, and the Midwestern USA.
They are one of the earliest nesting ducks there and their breeding season lasts from April to June; a female will lay 7-9 creamy eggs.
When the winter comes, they move to sheltered estuaries, brackish marshes, and coastal lagoons of Southern USA, Mexico, Central, and South America.
They are very social birds outside the breeding season and will often mix with other ducks.
Northern pintails feed by dabbling in shallow waters, consuming plants, aquatic insects, mollusks, and crustaceans.
Read More: More examples of long-necked ducks
Harlequin Duck

- Scientific Name: Histrionicus histrionicus
- Lifespan: up to 20 years
- Wingspan: 26 in
- Beak Color: Blue-gray
Harlequin ducks are small sea ducks named after Harlequin, a character from an Italian comedy wearing a mask and an oddly painted costume.
These ducks are also known as lords and ladies.
Males have slate blue plumage with white stripes and chestnut sides during the breeding season; females have grayish-brown plumage.
Harlequin ducks also have small pale blue-gray bills. To maintain a bond, pairs will often nod with their bills at one another, shake them from side to side, and dip between the nods.
Harlequin ducks breed in fast streams of north-western and north-eastern North America, Greenland, Iceland, and eastern Russia.
These ducks with blue beaks are migrants and will move to winter on rocky windswept shorelines of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Such a lifestyle takes a toll on their bodies, as they end up with broken bones and skulls from being tossed around by the water.
Harlequin ducks will make small flocks during winter.
They are carnivores and have a diet consisting of insects, fish, and aquatic invertebrates.
Harlequin ducks are very vocal and will often make cute mouse-like squeaks.
Greater Scaup

- Scientific Name: Aythya marila
- Lifespan: up to 20 years
- Wingspan: 28-33 in
- Beak Color: Dull blue with black tip
Greater scaups are medium-sized diving ducks known as “bluebills” in North America.
They have rounded heads and yellow eyes.
Males have black breasts, gray backs, and white sides, while the females are brown overall with white wing markings similar to those that males have.
Greater scaups also have dull blue bills with black tips.
In North America, they breed in shallow lakes and ponds of Northern Canada and Alaska and winter along the coasts of North America, shores of the Great Lakes, and in the Gulf of Mexico.
Greater scaups are monogamous and females will lay 6-9 olive-brown eggs.
During winter, they will form large groups consisting of hundreds and thousands of birds.
Greater scaups are omnivores and feed on insects, mollusks, crustaceans, plants, and seeds.
They are great at diving and can go up to 23 feet below the surface.
Identify them by males’ soft nasal courting whistles and females by their raspy “arr-arr” alarm calls.
Lesser Scaup

- Scientific Name: Aythya affinis
- Lifespan: up to 18 years
- Wingspan: 27-31 in
- Beak Color: Blue with black tip
Lesser scaups are small North American diving ducks.
They are also known as “little bluebills” or “broadbills” because of their distinctive bills.
Identify males by their black and white plumage, iridescent black heads (green or purple in the right light), white sides, black rumps, black and white barred backs, and yellow eyes.
Females have dark brown upperparts, white underparts, brown sides, and a white ring around their bills.
Lesser scaups have bluish beaks that are 1.4–1.7 inches long and have a small black “nail” at the tips.
They often form large flocks and inhabit lakes, ponds, and rivers.
They breed in inland lakes and marsh ponds in the tundra in northern parts of North America; typically from May to June and lay 9-11 eggs.
They will then migrate south to winter on lakes, rivers, sheltered coastal lagoons, and bays in western and southern parts of the USA, Mexico, and Central America.
Lesser scaups are the most widespread species of diving ducks in North America, with an estimated population of slightly under 4 million.
They are omnivores and have a diet consisting of insects, mollusks, invertebrates, aquatic plants, and seeds.
Lesser scaups are related to greater scaups but there are several differences between the species.
Lesser scaups are slightly lighter and shorter; greater scaups have more rounded heads and larger and wider beaks.
Females will often make high-pitched “purr” calls.
During summer these black and white ducks can be also seen in Colorado and Northern Texas.
White-headed Duck

- Scientific Name: Oxyura leucocephala
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: 23.6-27.5 in
- Beak Color: Bright blue
White-headed ducks are small diving ducks found in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
They have long tails that they often hold cocked.
Male white-headed ducks have reddish-gray plumage, striking white faces, and black crowns that contrast well with their large blue bills.
Females are gray-brown and have white faces and darker bills.
White-headed ducks breed in lakes with open water and dense vegetation, in Europe (Spain), northern parts of Africa, and western and central parts of Asia.
These diving ducks are mainly quiet and do not fly that often; they will often swim away from danger rather than try to fly.
White-headed ducks are omnivores and have a diet consisting of plants, seeds, small fish, snails, and crabs.
In the last decade, their numbers have been seriously dropping due to habitat loss and hunting; these blue-billed ducks are now listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Lake Duck

- Scientific Name: Oxyura vittata
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: n/a
- Beak Color: Bright blue
Lake ducks are small stiff-tailed ducks native to South America.
They are also known as Argentine blue-bills and Argentine ruddy ducks because of their conspicuous bills.
Males are slightly larger than females and have brown bodies, black heads, and bright blue beaks.
They inhabit lakes with surrounding reeds and wetlands with open water, in countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
Lake ducks hold the Guinness World Record for having the largest reproductive organ among birds with one of an Argentinian specimen measuring 16.7 inches in length.
They usually breed from October to January and one part of their courting ritual includes males making rustling noises and popping sounds.
Not much is known about these ducks’ diet but it is thought to include seeds, plants, and small invertebrates.
Southern Pochard

- Scientific Name: Netta erythrophthalma
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: n/a
- Beak Color: Pale blue-gray
Southern pochards are diving ducks found in South America and Africa.
They inhabit different shallow fresh waters with submerged vegetation, from lowlands up to 12,000 feet.
These dark-looking ducks have broad white wing bars that can be seen during flight.
Male southern pochards have glossy black plumage, chestnut wings, and pale blue-gray bills.
Females have white around their bills and a crescent behind their eyes.
During the breeding season, southern pochards can be very solitary; females will incubate the eggs alone.
But when the breeding season ends, these gregarious ducks will form flocks that can include 5,000 birds!
They are omnivores and feed on aquatic plants, larvae, and some aquatic animals; they grab food mainly by diving.

- Scientific Name: Aythya americana
- Lifespan: up to 22 years
- Wingspan: 33 in
- Beak Color: Bright blue
Redheads are medium-sized diving ducks.
They are also known as red-headed ducks and red-headed pochards.
Male redheads have copper-colored heads and necks during the breeding season, gray backs and sides, and white bellies. They also have moderately large bright blue bills with black tips.
When the non-breeding season comes, their heads turn brown.
Females have gray-brown plumage, white bellies, brown breasts, and yellow-brown heads and necks.
Redheads breed in central and western parts of North America, and parts of Alaska, around wetlands with dense vegetation.
They winter in southern USA, Mexico, and Central America, around reservoirs, lakes, wetlands, coastal marshes, estuaries, and bays.
Recognize male redheads by distinctive wheeze “whe-ough” courting calls and females by their deeper “kur-kur” warning calls.
These blue-billed ducks are parasites and will often lay their eggs in nests of mallards, northern pintails, ruddy ducks, and American wigeons for them to raise.
They will often dive to grab underwater vegetation; redheads are omnivores and consume plants, mollusks, and insect larvae.
Baer’s Pochard

- Scientific Name: Aythya baeri
- Lifespan: 10-12 years in captivity
- Wingspan: 27-31 in
- Beak Color: Steely blue-gray
Baer’s pochards are small diving ducks found in eastern parts of Asia.
They breed in Russia and northeast China and migrate to their wintering grounds in India, Vietnam, Japan, and southern parts of China.
Baer’s pochards inhabit lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.
Named after a Prussian naturalist Karl Ernst von Baer, these ducks are also known as Siberian white-eye pochards or green-headed pochards.
Baer’s pochards have steely blue-gray bills, dark gray heads, necks, and backs, reddish-white flanks, and bellies.
Females and immatures have dark brown heads and dark eyes.
Although mostly quiet, they become vocal during their breeding season.
Baer’s pochards are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN with some estimates claiming just 300-1,000 of these blue-billed birds in existence today.
They are omnivores and feed on plants, mollusks, frogs, small fish, and insects.
Tufted Duck

- Scientific Name: Aythya fuligula
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: 27.5 in
- Beak Color: Blue-gray
A Eurasian counterpart to the North American ring-necked duck, the tufted duck is a small diving bird found around marshes, lakes, ponds, coastal lagoons, and shorelines.
These birds were named after the tufts males have on their heads.
Male tufted ducks have black plumage, white flanks, and blue-gray bills.
Females are mostly brown and have paler flanks.
These ducks can be also identified by the harsh “karr” female calls and male whistling “wit-oo” courting calls.
Tufted ducks are omnivores, they find food mostly by diving, and have a diet consisting of plants, mollusks, and insects.
During winter, they will form larger flocks.
Read More: Examples of white and black ducks
Andean Duck

- Scientific Name: Oxyura ferruginea
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: n/a
- Beak Color: Baby blue
Andean ducks are the South American counterparts to North American ruddy ducks.
These small stiff-tailed ducks have stout scoop-shaped bright blue bills and short necks.
Breeding males have chestnut plumage and black heads; non-breeding ones and females are mostly brown overall with a dark line on their cheeks.
Andean ducks breed in marshy lakes and ponds from Colombia to Chile; females will use grass to build their nest in tall vegetation and lay 5-15 eggs.
Andean ducks catch their food by diving underwater and have a diet consisting of insects, crustaceans, seeds, and plant roots.
Maccoa Duck

- Scientific Name: Oxyura maccoa
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: n/a
- Beak Color: Bright cobalt blue
Maccoa ducks are small stiff-tailed ducks found in Africa.
They inhabit freshwater wetlands such as lakes, ponds, lagoons, and occasionally saline lakes of the eastern and southern parts of the continent.
They breed from January to May, males are polygynous (they mate with multiple females), and do not help with nest building or raising the young.
Females will lay from 5-12 eggs, occasionally in another duck’s nest.
To move quicker in water, these ducks have legs that are set further back on their bodies; this can make them look awkward when walking out of water.
Breeding male Maccoa ducks have conspicuous cobalt blue bills, black heads and throats, brownish underparts, and black rumps, tails, and feet.
Non-breeding males and females have mostly dark brown plumage with white head stripes.
Male Maccoa ducks will make short whistles and 2-3 seconds long “prr” sounds during their mating display; both sexes will make low grunts when threatened.
Instead of flying away from danger, they prefer to dive and can stay underwater for over 20 seconds.
Maccoa ducks are omnivores and consume plants, seeds, small fish, snails, crabs, and larvae.
Due to ever-increasing pollution, habitat loss, and accidental capturing, these ducks are now listed as Endangered by the IUCN.
Masked Duck

- Scientific Name: Nomonyx dominicus
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: 20 in
- Beak Color: Pale blue with black tip
Masked ducks are small stiff-tailed ducks found in South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands.
They might also visit southern parts of the United States, mostly Florida and Texas.
Breeding male masked ducks have rust-colored plumage, black faces, and brilliant blue bills with black tips.
Females and non-breeding males are mostly brownish-gray with two dark lines on the sides of their brighter faces.
Masked ducks use grass, reed, and other plants to build their nests in shallow waters. Females are the ones to create them and incubate the eggs.
Although usually silent, male ducks will emit a long rolling series of sounds during the breeding season.
Masked ducks inhabit heavily overgrown swamps, marshes, and ponds.
They are rather shy and reclusive; they often feed at night and spend most of the day sleeping.
Masked ducks are omnivores that feed on plants, insects, and crustaceans; they get their food by diving.
Ringed Teal

- Scientific Name: Callonetta leucophrys
- Lifespan: up to 15 years in captivity
- Wingspan: 28 in
- Beak Color: Blue
Ringed teals are small and distinctive wood ducks with beautiful plumage they keep year-round.
They are found in South America, in forests and wetlands of Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay.
Male ringed teals have pinkish breasts spotted with black, chestnut wings, light tan heads, and blue bills.
Females have olive-brown backs, dark tails, and barred chests and bellies.
Ringed teal males can be also identified by their long soft whistles; females will make harsh “quacks” calls.
They are considered dabbling ducks – they swim and dip their bills, heads, and necks underwater, but do not dive.
Ringed teals are omnivores and consume plants, insects, seeds, small fish, and snails.
They are mostly monogamous, nest in holes and tree cavities, and both parents will take turns in incubating their clutch of 6-11 eggs.
Puna Teal

- Scientific Name: Spatula puna
- Lifespan: n/a
- Wingspan: n/a
- Beak Color: Light blue with a black line
Puna teals are handsome dabbling ducks found in South America.
They inhabit larger lakes and pools in the Andean Mountains in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.
Part of their scientific name “spatula” is a Latin word meaning “spoon/spatula” and refers to their large bills; “puna” refers to the place they come from, Puna de Atacama, a plateau in the Andes.
They have black caps on their heads, creamy white faces and necks, and light brownish backs, chests, and flanks.
Puna teals have very large light blue bills that have a black line down the middle.
These ducks breed during summer, lay their eggs from April and June, and both parents raise their 5-7 creamy pink eggs.
Males can be also identified by their “treel” whistles and females by high-pitched quacks.
Silver Teal

- Scientific Name: Spatula versicolor
- Lifespan: 15-20 years in captivity
- Wingspan: n/a
- Beak Color: Blue with yellow patches
Silver teals are elegant-looking dabbling ducks found in South America.
They inhabit grassy wetlands, marshes, and lakes of Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Sandwich Islands, and the Falkland Islands.
These ducks breed from April to June and lay 6-10 creamy-pink eggs. Similar to puna teals, both parents will raise the ducklings.
Silver teals never go into eclipse and keep the same plumage year-round.
They have blue feet and legs and blue bills with yellow splashes near the base.
They also have dark caps, pale cheeks, and spotting on their breasts.
Silver teals are omnivores and feed on plants, insects, their larvae, mollusks, and crustaceans.
Common Pochard

- Scientific Name: Aythya ferina
- Lifespan: 8-10 years
- Wingspan: 30.3 in
- Beak Color: Dark and blue
Common pochards are medium-sized diving birds found in marshes and lakes of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Adult males have rusty heads, pale gray plumage, black breasts, small red eyes, and broad pale bluish parts on their bills.
Females are mostly brown and have narrower grayish bill bands.
Quite gregarious species, common pochards will form large flocks when the winter comes, often with other diving ducks.
They are omnivores that mainly feed by diving and consume plants, small fish, mollusks, and insects.
Due to loss of habitat and hunting, these blue-beaked ducks are now listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN.
Chiloé Wigeon

- Scientific Name: Mareca sibilatrix
- Lifespan: 20-30 years
- Wingspan: 30-34 in
- Beak Color: Bluish-gray with black tip
Chiloe wigeons are small dabbling ducks native to South America.
In North America, they are called southern wigeons; in South America, they are named “pato overo” meaning “piebald duck”.
Chiloe wigeons have white wing patches, white cheeks and foreheads, blue-green caps on their heads, and dark gray backs. Females are slightly duller.
Identify Chiloe wigeons by their bluish-gray bills with black tips.
These ducks inhabit freshwater lakes, marshes, shallow lagoons, and slow-flowing rivers.
Chiloe wigeons are omnivores and have a duet consisting of plants, grass, and coastal algae.
They are monogamous, breed from September to December in Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, and lay 8-10 creamy white eggs. Females incubate the eggs and both parents raise the ducklings.
After that, Chiloe wigeons migrate to southeastern Brazil for the winter.
Part of their scientific name, “sibilatrix,” means “whistler” and refers to their whistling calls.
Eurasian Wigeon

- Scientific Name: Mareca penelope
- Lifespan: up to 33 years
- Wingspan: 28-31 in
- Beak Color: Blue-gray with black tip
Eurasian wigeons, also known as European wigeons, are medium-sized dabbling ducks with rounded heads, moderately long tails, and broad, pointed wings.
Breeding males have reddish-brown heads, pearly gray bodies, and pinkish breasts.
Females are brownish overall and have smaller and paler bills.
Speaking of bills, Eurasian wigeons have medium-sized blue-gray bills with black tips.
They breed near ponds, lakes, and marshes of Europe and Northern Asia and winter on freshwater lakes, bays, estuaries, and brackish lagoons of southern Asia and Africa.
Eurasian wigeons are regular visitors to the west coasts of North America and can be spotted in very small numbers among flocks of their closest relatives, the American wigeons.
They are rather noisy ducks with males often making whistling “pjiew” sounds and females making growling “rawr” calls.
Source: Lawrence Shove , CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Eurasian wigeons feed on seeds, leaves, stems, and roots; they might wait for diving ducks to come to the surface and then snatch away their plants!
Pacific Black Duck

- Scientific Name: Anas superciliosa
- Lifespan: 2 years
- Wingspan: 34.6 in
- Beak Color: Pale blue-gray
Pacific black duck, also known as PBD, is a dabbling duck found in Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand, around wetlands, ponds, and rivers.
Pacific black ducks have dark brown plumage, striped head patterns, dark crowns, a green speculum (secondary wing feathers), and pale blue-gray bills.
Identify Pacific black ducks by their series of quacks that decrease in volume.
They nest in tree holes and lay a clutch of 8-10 pale cream eggs that females incubate.
PBDs are omnivores that feed on plant seeds, aquatic insects, crustaceans, and mollusks.
Philippine Duck

- Scientific Name: Anas luzonica
- Lifespan: 15-22 years
- Wingspan: 33 in
- Beak Color: Bluish-gray
Philippine ducks are large dabbling ducks native to the Philippines.
They are common around freshwater and saltwater habitats including mangroves, open sea, and watercourses inside forests.
Identify Philippine ducks by their grayish-brown plumage, black crowns and napes, cinnamon heads and necks, and bluish-gray bills.
These ducks are omnivores and feed on fish, shrimp, insects, rice, and young vegetation.
They are commonly found in small flocks but can be occasionally seen around larger wintering flocks of wigeons, shovelers, and other dabbling ducks.
Due to extensive hunting and habitat loss, their populations have been on the decline.
IUCN has listed them as Vulnerable and scientists estimate just 3,300-6,700 mature birds remaining.
Read More: Examples of ducks with black-colored beaks
Blue-billed Teal

- Scientific Name: Spatula hottentota
- Lifespan: up to 20 years
- Wingspan: 25.2 in
- Beak Color: Light bluish-gray with blackish culmen and nail
Blue-billed teals, also known as spotted or Hottentot teals, are small dabbling ducks found in Africa.
They have dark caps, dark smudges on pale tan cheeks, and light bluish-gray bills with blackish culmen and nails.
Blue-billed teals inhabit freshwater wetlands, lakes, and rice paddies.
They are omnivorous and feed on grass seeds, water insects, insect larvae, and mollusks.
Blue-billed teals produce several sounds: harsh “ke-ke-ke” calls when alarmed, mechanical rattling calls by males, and typical “quack” calls by females.
The species breeds year-round and are usually found in pairs or small groups. They nest above the water, in tree stumps, and lay 1-8 eggs that females incubate.
Read More: List of ducks with orange bills
This concludes our list of ducks with blue bills.
Examples include several types of diving ducks, dabbling ducks, stiff-tailed ducks, etc.
Hopefully next time you see these birds, you will recognize any of them with ease!
And if you enjoyed this article, here are our other popular reads on birds: Examples of black birds with yellow beaks and Examples of ducks with white heads