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Do Animals Have G Spots?

Some claim that they have found it, others like to lie as well; the G spot has been a hot topic of debate for decades among scientists and the mass media.

With countless articles, how-tos, and videos, many have made their life goal to find the G-spot. Some claimed that it was just a fad from the 1950s; others mention that even a 16th-century Sanskrit scripture called “Ananga-ranga” reveals knowledge of G Spot. 

Either way, G spot has been examined in humans, but what about animals? Do animals have g spots?

While there is no general agreement that the G spot even exists in humans, some claim that it might be connected to the clitoris. Since many animals have a clitoris, it is possible that those animals will have a G spot.

However, the G-spot might be a widely accepted concept in the mainstream media, but it is very controversial in the medical literature. 

Many scientists, urologists, and gynecologists claim that all published scientific data point to the fact that the G-spot does not exist – this means that neither humans nor animals have a G-spot.

To better understand if it’s possible for animals to have a g spot, let’s explain, using simple language, what the term actually means. 

do animals have g spots

The G-spot – Simply Explained

The G spot, or the Gräfenberg spot, is a place in the vagina that seemingly could give women earth-shattering vaginal orgasms during sex. 

The term got its name from the gynecologist Ernest Grafenberg who first mentioned it, back in 1950. 

31 years later, in 1981, a scientific paper mentioned an “erotically sensitive spot, palpable through the anterior wall of the vagina.” In honor of the paper Grafenberg wrote, the 1980s scientists named that area “Gräfenberg spot”, which was later shortened to “G-spot”.

Then, in 1982, a book called The G-Spot: And Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality came out and greatly popularized Gräfenberg’s findings.

According to those researches, the spot is supposedly found an inch or two inside the vagina, on the anterior wall, when front-facing the woman. And to “activate” it, you would need to make a “come here” motion along the inside wall of the vagina.

A 2021 systematic review study on G-spot concluded, after reviewing 31 papers and studies, that the “existence of this structure remains unproven”. 

Some claim that, instead of being its own separate spot in the vagina, the G spot is part of the clitoral network.

If so, then the G-spot might be found in animals; if we accept that the G spot exists in the first place.

Do Female Mammals Have A Clitoris?

spotted hyenas on grass
Spotted hyenas

All female mammals have a clitoris, the most sensitive organ linked with pleasure and orgasm.

Human babies, for example, male or female, begin development in the womb with a small bulge called a genital tubercle

If the fetus is to become male, the fetal testes will produce the male hormone testosterone, and the tubercle will become a penis.

If the fetus is to become a female, the fetal ovary will not produce any hormones and the genital tubercle will develop into a clitoris.

An interesting situation happens with the clitorises of spotted hyenas.

Because of getting too exposed to a lot of testosterone, females get bigger than males and lead the pack. They will also have huge clitorises they use to urinate, mate, and give birth through.

Other mammals, such as lemurs, spider monkeys, and dolphins also have a large clitoris.

In most other species, the clitoris lacks any reproductive function. If so, it might play some role in sexual pleasure.

In fact, a research paper from 2019 discovered that female bottlenose dolphins have clitorides similar to humans, and those female dolphins may experience sexual pleasure. 

Can Animals Have Orgasms?

bottlenose dolphin in water
Bottlenose dolphin

Scientists have managed to stimulate female chimps, macaque monkeys, and cows to the point of them having an orgasm, the height of sexual arousal.

Although in a lab, they managed to reach the point of animals having vaginal and uterine contractions, which suggests that other female animals are at least capable of orgasm. 

Whether they regularly have them during normal copulation is another question, as in most cases, animal sex is very brief and often quite violent. Some reptiles also have penetrative sex; it is quite possible that they might experience orgasms as well. 

According to Alfonso Troisi, a clinical psychiatrist in Rome, “in the lab, by artificial stimulation, it is possible to trigger female orgasm in virtually any primate species.

One of the most interesting findings was in macaque monkeys. Scientists found out that the female macaques were more likely to experience responses like increased heart rate and vaginal spasms when copulating with a male that was higher in their monkey dominance hierarchy.

So if it’s possible that female mammals have an orgasm, perhaps there might be a chance for them to have a G-spot?

What Animals Have Sex For Pleasure?

Although unclear whether it’s purely for sexual pleasure, there are plenty of animals that will engage in sexual activity when the chance of conceiving is little to none. The list includes bonobos, dolphins, sea otters, killer whales, fur seals, and cheetahs.

Bonobos, also known as the “hippie apes,” will not only have reproductive sex but also for fun. They are known to engage in sex to relieve tension, bond, and resolve conflicts. 

Like bonobos, dolphins are very sexually active. Scientists believe female dolphins may have sex for pleasure and achieve orgasm thanks to their large and well-developed clitorises.

Cheetahs are other animals that enjoy having sex. The world’s fastest animals (hopefully just in sprinting) have been documented having oral sex, where the females will rub and lick the male’s genitals.

The white-faced capuchin monkeys will engage in sexual behavior too. Scientists found out that these monkeys will have plenty of sex even when pregnancy isn’t possible. 

P.S. Did you know that monkeys kiss? Read more about it in this article.

Wrapping It Up – Do Animals Have G-Spots?

The search for a female G-spot, the erotic pleasure button located in the vagina, has become a real pursuit. Some claim that it’s real, others that they have found it, and some just reject this idea by calling it a myth. 

Since the 1980s the G spot has been a topic of hot debate between the scientific and medical communities and among women themselves. Whether it really exists in humans and animals or not remains to be proven by solid studies. The jury is still out on this one.

True or not, the talk about the existence of G-spots has put big and unnecessary pressure on women. Women that fail to find or stimulate their G-spots might end up feeling inadequate, and resort to many ineffective medical procedures, like the G-spot amplification.

It remains a fact that scientists do not know much about orgasms and G-spots in animal species; not to mention female orgasms in humans.

So does an animal have a g spot? In our opinion, it does not.

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