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Camel Urine Oil (Hair Growth And Other Benefits)

Asterix has a magic potion, Popeye has spinach, and apparently, people on the Arabian Peninsula have camel urine oil.

Because if you listen to them, this potion helps with everything. And I mean everything.

Have a toothache? Just drink camel oil.

Losing hair? The oil will help.

Did your girlfriend break up with you? Camel oil.

You name it – this potion solves it.

So in this article, we will look further into urine oil, its use for hair growth, and other benefits.

Camel urine oil for hair growth

Key Points

  • Camel urine oil is believed to have various health benefits in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • It is used for hair growth and improving hair quality, especially by women in the Arab world.
  • The oil is a mixture of desert herbs, virgin camel urine, and natural oils like coconut, castor, and sesame oil.
  • However, its efficacy and safety require further scientific investigation.

What Is Camel Urine Oil?

Camel urine oil is usually a mixture of desert herbs, virgin camel urine, and different natural oils. It is said that it has positive benefits for hair, skin, and the whole body.

Some women in the Arab world use the oil to wash their hair, to make it longer and shinier, and there have been some hair salons even prescribing it to combat hair loss.

Camel Urine Oil For Hair

To help with hair growth, camel urine is mixed with different herbs, coconut oil, castor oil, sesame oil, and other oils.

Coconut oil is used to protect and moisturize hair, sesame oil helps prevent dandruff and encourage hair growth, and castor oil helps promote a clean and healthy scalp.

Camel urine is usually taken from a virgin camel; it is alkaline and has a really strong smell.

Not that it stops people from drinking it.

The pH value of fresh camel urine is between 8.2 and 9.2.

Further reading: Camel pee explained in depth

And according to, the benefits of camel urine oils for hair are: 

  1. It help eliminate enzyme that leads to baldness
  2. It promotes hair growth in empty areas 
  3. It helps with hair that is easily broken and increases its strength and durability
  4. Hair becomes of lighter color with the use of oil
  5. It helps with dandruff and psoriasis
  6. Can be used when making homemade shampoo

How To Use Camel Urine Oil For Hair Growth

  1. Wash and dry your hair first
  2. Take a comb, dip it in oil, and use it to comb your entire hair
  3. Gently massage the oil into the scalp of your head
  4. Leave it there for a few hours and then wash the hair with shampoo again
  5. Repeat the process day after day

It is said the first results will be visible after 3 weeks, but it should be used for up to 6 months.

General Benefits of Camel Urine Oil

A recent study in Saudi Arabia has confirmed that camel urine can be effective against some fungi and yeasts that cause skin diseases and psoriasis.

To be able to thrive, fungi require acidity. And as camel urine is alkaline, it prevents their growth.

Also, the desert people claim that the oil can be used for the disinfection of wounds and treatment of ulcers.

It is even claimed that the oil helps with the treatment of liver tumors, teeth soreness, and similar.

General benefits of camel urine oil are:

  1. Oil can be used for treatment of wounds
  2. It can be used to treat abdominal diseases
  3. Helps with different skin diseases and fungi that attack the skin
  4. Help with the treatment of acne
  5. Helps with nail injuries 
  6. Can have positive benefits in regards to cancer
  7. Used for treatment of infections that appear behind the ear
  8. It improves liver functions and helps with liver detoxication
  9. It is said to be beneficial to the treatment of asthma and respiratory diseases
  10. Can be used to treat erectile dysfunction in men
  11. Helps strengthen children bones and muscles
  12. Helps strengthen the heart and increase its durability

Sounds almost like it’s too perfect to be true. 

The Saudi Food and Drug Authority has stated that more control and evaluation is required when it comes to camel oil and that the oil is not a registered product within their organization.

That’s why, as with every natural product, you should keep a dose of skepticism, and before use, you should always consult your doctor.

The benefits we presented here are all from different studies and also refer to traditional beliefs and alternative medicine.


This oil seems like a magical potion. It is said that it possesses the ability to cure almost any disease you can think of, from psoriasis, acne, and asthma, to even cancer.

Although there are more and more studies about this substance, and a big part of them has been positive on the benefits of the oil, a lot more investigation is needed on the topic.

We hope that you found our article useful and informative.

Further reading: Camel Liver For Nutrition


Evaluation of the effectiveness of virgin camel’s urine as antifungal agents

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