Birds with blue head colors are one of the prettiest and most elegant in the world. The color blue represents the sky and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.
That’s why seeing one can brighten your day.
When it comes to birds with blue heads, the list is extensive. The common grackle, cassowary, eastern bluebird, painted bunting, blue-headed vireo, peafowl, blue-headed quail-dove, and superb fairywren, are just a few.
Let’s jump straight it and see what over 30 species of blue-headed birds look like.
Table of Contents
Birds With Blue Heads
Common Grackle
Scientific name: Quiscalus quiscula
Lifespan: 17-22 years
Wingspan: 14-18 in
Head Color: Sheen blue-green
Native to: North America
The common grackle, the most famous of the black birds with blue heads, is a medium-sized songbird found in large numbers throughout North America.
It is easy to recognize by its long, keel-shaped tail, dark beak, yellow eyes, and (in males) glossy black plumage. The head color is sheen blue-green.
Common grackles have a population of over 70 million individuals and can be found in wet, open woodlands, marshes, as well as suburbs, parks, and agricultural fields.
They are short-distance migrants that breed across North America east of the Rocky Mountains.
Common grackles are omnivores and feed on insects, minnows, frogs, eggs, berries, seeds, and grain.
They will let ants crawl up their bodies and clean them from parasites. If no ants are available, grackles will use lemons, walnut juice, and mothballs for that purpose.
In several US countries, including Texas, it is illegal to kill grackles.
Southern Cassowary
Scientific name: Casuarius casuarius
Lifespan: 20-40 years
Wingspan: n/a
Head Color: Deep blue
Native to: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and northeastern Australia
The Southern cassowary is a huge prehistoric-looking bird with glossy black plumage, a tall, brown casque (helmet) on top of its deep blue head, and long drooping red wattles.
Its habitat is mostly tropical rainforests, and occasionally savannah forests of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and northeastern Australia.
Southern cassowary can’t fly, weighs up to 120 pounds, and it is the second heaviest bird in the world, after the ostrich. It is one of the closest relatives of the dinosaurs, as well.
Wildlife biologists call cassowaries the world’s most dangerous birds; they have killed people with their sharp 5-inch-long claws.
Southern cassowaries are omnivores that mainly feed on fruit, berries, fungi, rodents, snails, lizards, and occasionally their poop (it is made of half-digested fruit which has nutritional value).
They can eat up to 11 pounds of fruit a day!
Eastern Bluebird
Scientific name: Sialia sialis
Lifespan: 6-10 years
Wingspan: 9-12 in
Head Color: Royal blue
Native to: North America
The eastern bluebird is a small North American migratory thrush with a big, rounded head, large eyes, and alert posture.
Marvelous birds to capture in your binoculars, male Eastern bluebirds have a vivid royal blue head and back plumage and warm red-brown and white breasts.
It is the most widespread of the three bluebirds and can be found in open country with scattered trees, farms, and roadsides in eastern parts of North America.
Just like its cousin, the mountain bluebird, the eastern bluebird is a cavity nester that loves nest boxes. It is a very social animal living in flocks including over 100 individuals. They are also very territorial animals.
To attract a female, a male bluebird will sing over 1,000 songs per hour; it sings without opening its beak wide.
The Eastern bluebird is the official bird of Missouri and New York and this blue bird can be found in Maryland and Pennsylvania, among other states.
Blue-Faced Honeyeater
Scientific name: Entomyzon cyanotis
Lifespan: up to 8 years
Wingspan: 17.5 in
Head Color: Black and blue
Native to: Australia
The blue-faced honeyeater, also known as the banana bird, is a large and conspicuous bird with striking blue skin on its head, and around the eyes. It has black, white, and golden olive-green plumage.
The blue-faced honeyeater is mostly found in open forests and woodlands, close to water.
Contrary to its name, this bird primarily feeds on insects, but can be also seen eating banana fruit and flowers, hence the nickname “banana bird”.
Blue-faced honeyeaters are sometimes considered pests in orchards.
Want to read about more birds that have blue and green plumage? Check this article.
Painted Bunting
Scientific name: Passerina ciris
Lifespan: 5-10 years
Wingspan: 8-9 in
Head Color: Dark purple-blue
Native to: US and Mexico
Sometimes called the “Nonpareil”, meaning “unrivaled”, painted buntings are one of the most colorful of all US-breeding birds.
Male painted buntings have a stunning blue color of heads, red underparts, and green backs. Females usually have bright yellow-green plumage.
Painted buntings are birds with blue heads that can be found in different parts of Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Oklahoma, Florida, and Louisiana.
They might look cute and colorful, but painted buntings are aggressive birds. They are very territorial and will attack other males of their species.
Painted buntings are omnivores that mostly feed on seeds and insects.
A group of painted buntings is known as a “mural” and a “palette”. Certainly suits their name!
Blue Rock-Thrush
Scientific name: Monticola solitarius
Lifespan: 5-10 years
Wingspan: 12-14 in
Head Color: Bright blue
Native to: Europe, Africa, and Asia
Although named thrush, the blue rock thrush is actually a chat. This medium-sized bird can be seen on mountainsides, sea cliffs, quarries, ruins, and even around towns.
It is easy to recognize by its chestnut-red belly and vent, and the bright blue head. Blue rock-thrush has a medium-long tail.
Widespread throughout Southern Europe, North Africa, and Southern Asia, the blue rock thrush is the national bird of Malta. It nests in rock cavities and walls and usually lays 3-5 eggs.
These birds are omnivores that feed on berries, seeds, snails, insects, locusts, worms, spiders, and even lizards, mice, and snakes.
Blue-and-white Flycatcher
Scientific name: Cyanoptila cyanomelana
Lifespan: n/a
Wingspan: 10 in
Head Color: Royal blue
Native to: Asia
The blue-and-white flycatcher is a beautiful songbird with royal blue upperparts, a white belly, and a black face, throat, and breast. It can be found in wooded areas in lowlands and submontane forests, parks, and gardens.
Blue-and-white flycatcher breeds in Japan, Korea, and parts of China and Russia.
It is an active territorial bird and an omnivore that feeds on berries, insects, and larvae, including beetles, moths, and bees.
Rainbow Lorikeet
Scientific name: Trichoglossus moluccanus
Lifespan: 20 years
Wingspan: 7 in
Head Color: Violet-blue
Found In: Australia
The rainbow lorikeet is a small brightly colored parrot found in Australia.
It has a bright yellow-orange breast, violet-blue head, and a yellow-green collar. Adult lorikeets have orange beaks while the juvenile birds hatch with black ones.
They are friendly and intelligent birds with a population of over 5 million.
Rainbow lorikeets are omnivores that mostly eat nectar, pollens, fruits, berries, blossoms, and buds. They might eat insects occasionally.
Rainbow lorikeets can be found in woodlands, rainforests, and urban areas with many trees.
They make excellent pets, are very affectionate, playful, and constantly active.
These parrots are also on our list of over 25 blue and orange birds.
Indigo Bunting
Scientific name: Passerina cyanea
Lifespan: 10 years
Wingspan: 7-9 in
Head Color: Bright and rich blue
Native to: Central and North America
The indigo bunting, also known as blue bunting, is a small seed-eating bird found in dense thickets and woodland edges. It is a migratory bird that travels at night, using stars to navigate.
Adult males have a vibrant blue plumage during summer, with slightly richer blue colors on their heads. During the winter months, they are brown, just like females are year-round.
Indigo buntings are territorial birds and omnivores that feed on insects, seeds, and berries.
Because of their bright blue color, indigo buntings symbolize wisdom and spiritual realization.
These birds usually mate for life; occasionally, they may switch partners within a single breeding season.
A group of buntings is called a “decoration”, “mural”, or “sacrifice”.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Scientific name: Polioptila caerulea
Lifespan: 3-4 years
Wingspan: 6 in
Head Color: Pale blue
Found In: Central and North America
During the breeding season, male Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have a dark, V-shaped “eyebrow” marking that makes them look like they are constantly angry.
Males have a pale blue-gray color of the heads and the upperparts, and white underparts. Females are less blue, while juveniles are greenish-gray.
The blue-gray gnatcatcher is a very small songbird native to North America.
It is a monogamous bird that mates for life. Males can be particularly aggressive and will chase larger birds away from feeding areas or their nesting territory.
In summer, these small birds can be found in California, Nevada, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma, eastern Kansas, Iowa, southern Wisconsin, and the eastern United States.
Read More: List of the cutest small black birds
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Scientific name: Goura victoria
Lifespan: 20-25 years
Wingspan: 15-20 in
Head Color: Elegant blue
Native to: New Guinea
The Victoria crowned pigeon is an enormous bluish-grey pigeon. It has an elegant blue lace-like crest on its head, maroon breasts, and red irises. When taking off, it will clap its wings very loudly.
Victoria crowned pigeon is the largest pigeon in the world and got its name from the easy-to-recognize spectacular crest of lacy feathers on its head. The first part of the name is after the British Queen Victoria.
Victoria crowned pigeon’s habitat includes swamps and palm forests where the bird feeds on fruits, berries, and seeds.
To seduce the female, a male will bow before her, wag his fanned tail, and make “booming noises”.
Victoria crowned pigeons are monogamous and will mate for life. And like other pigeons, Victoria crowned ones will produce “crop milk” to feed the chick in the first few days of its life.
Blue-Headed Parrot
Scientific name: Pionus menstruus
Lifespan: 25-40 years
Wingspan: n/a
Head Color: Bright blue
Native to: Central and South America
This medium-sized parrot is also known as the blue-headed Pionus. Blue-headed parrot has green plumage and a striking bright and radiant blue color of its head.
What makes its colorful feathers unique is the bacteria-resistant pigment called Psittacofulvins that gives their feathers beautiful red, yellow, blue and green coloration.
These parrots are very popular pets and compared to other parrot species, they are very quiet and not famous for their ability to talk.
Blue-headed parrots are herbivores that feed on fruit and seeds, and sometimes grain.
Green Jay
Scientific name: Cyanocorax yncas
Lifespan: 10-11 years
Wingspan: 13.5-15 in
Head Color: Pale blue
Found In: Central America
Green jays are medium-sized jays with green backs, yellow underparts, pale blue heads, and very short and blue eyebrows. These colorful and noisy tropical birds can be found in the Americas.
Green jays are very intelligent birds that have been seen using sticks as tools to get insects from tree bark.
They got their Latin name “yncas” from the word “Inca” because the first descriptions of this species were based on birds from Peru.
A group of jays is called a “band”, “cast”, “party”, or “scold”.
California Scrub-Jay
Scientific name: Aphelocoma californica
Lifespan: 9 years
Wingspan: 15 in
Head Color: Deep azure blue
Native to: western North America
Another beautiful jay on our list of birds with blue heads, the California scrub jay is an attractive bird found in parks, neighborhoods, and riverside woods near the Pacific Coast.
It is a medium-sized blue bird with deep azure blue wings and plumage and white and soft gray-brown underparts.
These birds work with other animals and can be often seen on the backs of mule deer eating ticks and other parasites.
California scrub-Jays will often steal acorns from acorn woodpeckers or other jays. When they go to hide their own acorn, California scrub-jays will check first that no other jays are watching.
They are omnivores feeding on insects, fruit, nuts, seeds, and some small animals such as lizards and nesting birds.
They also have a thin line above their eyes that resembles eyebrows and is called a supercilium. Read more about this phenomenon and other birds that have it in this article.
Common Chaffinch
Scientific name: Fringilla coelebs
Lifespan: 3-12 years
Wingspan: 9.5-11 in
Head Color: Blue-gray
Native to: Europe, Africa, and Asia
The common chaffinch is a medium-sized finch, often found in wooded and forested habitats, parks, gardens, and farmlands. Males are brightly colored and have a blue-grey cap on their heads and rust-red underparts. The females have a much duller plumage color.
The common chaffinch has a range that includes most of Europe, northwest Africa, and northwestern parts of Asia. It is an omnivore that feeds on insects and seeds.
Today, it is a very popular pet.
It was often thought that sightless chaffinches sang best, so some owners deliberately blinded their birds with hot needles.
Depending on the area they are found, chaffinches will have regional accents with slight differences in their typical songs.
Superb Fairywren
Scientific name: Malurus cyaneus
Lifespan: 5 years
Wingspan: 4.7-6.3 in
Head Color: Pale blue
Native to: south-east Australia
Superb fairy-wrens, with their glorious blue head plumage, can be seen perched high on bare branches surveying their territories. They were one of the first described Australian birds.
During the breeding season, superb fairywrens are one of the most brightly colored species. During that period, their sky-blue-colored caps become iridescent. They also have dark brown legs.
Super fairywrens are socially monogamous but sexually promiscuous; the males are said to be ‘the least faithful birds in the world’. Around 76% of the offspring are sired by males from outside the social group – they are the result of some avian ‘cheating’. Still, these birds will form pairs between one male and one female.
Fairywrens mostly feed on the ground, eating insects, including grasshoppers, ants, larvae, small seeds, and fruits.
Blue-necked Tanager
Scientific name: Tangara cyanicollis
Lifespan: n/a
Wingspan: n/a
Head Color: Shining blue
Native to: South America
The blue-necked tanager is a small bird, often seen flying in the subtropical or tropical lowland forests of South America. It is easy to spot by its brilliant blue head, black back, and turquoise rump (back of the lower back). The underparts are black, violet, and blue.
Although they mostly feed on fruits, berries, and flower blossoms, blue-necked tanglers will also catch insects in mid-flight.
After breeding, the female will build a nest of moss, and conceal it well. It will usually lay 2 white eggs with brown spottings.
Yellow-throated Euphonia
Scientific name: Euphonia hirundinacea
Lifespan: n/a
Wingspan: 2.3 in
Head Color: Metalic blue-green
Native to: Mexico and Central America
Yellow-throated Euphonia is a small songbird found in southeastern Mexico and throughout Central America. It has a short bill, a short tail, and pointed wings.
Males have dark glossy blue-black heads with yellow forecrowns and bright yellow underparts. Females are olive-green on top and whitish-gray on lower parts.
They got their name from a Latin word that means “good sound”.
Yellow-throated Euphonia is a herbivore that feeds on fruits and berries. It has a gut that is specially adapted for eating poisonous mistletoe berries they adore.
Great Tit
Scientific name: Parus major
Lifespan: 3 years
Wingspan: 9.5 in
Head Color: Dark blue-black
Native to: Europe, Asia, and Africa
The great tit is a distinctive bird with a black-blue head and neck, prominent white cheeks, olive upperparts, and yellow underparts. Usually found in woodland, parks, and gardens, this colorful bird nests in tree holes, but is just as happy to use nestboxes.
Males are particularly vocal throughout the year, with over 40 distinct notes recorded.
Great tits are social birds that are active during the day and roost in flocks at night. They are omnivores that mostly feed on insects and seeds.
Blue-headed Vireo
Scientific name: Vireo solitarius
Lifespan: 7 years
Wingspan: 8-9.4 in
Head Color: Blue-gray
Native to: North and Central America
The blue-headed vireo is a migrating songbird found in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests of North and Central America. It has a moss-green plumage with a bluish-gray head and crisp white underparts. Males and females look similar; females have slightly duller colors.
These birds are omnivores that feed on caterpillars and medium to large insects and some fruit.
During the breeding season, blue-headed vireos can be found in Canada and the northern regions of the United States. When the summer comes, they can be seen in the mountains of East Tennessee, among other places.
Read More: 5 beautiful species of loon found in Canada
They are a protected species under the US Migratory Act, which means they cannot be hunted or collected without a permit.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Scientific name: Setophaga caerulescens
Lifespan: up to 10 years
Wingspan: 7.5 in
Head Color: Midnight blue
Native to: the US and Canada
Black-throated blue warbler is a small, well-proportioned blue bird with a sharp, pointed beak. It breeds in dense hardwood forests of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada.
Males have a deep midnight blue color above, on their heads and backs, white bellies, and black faces and sides. They do not change their appearance as the season changes; black-throated blue warblers can be easily recognized in the fall and the spring.
When first discovered, since males and females look so different, people used to describe them as two separate species.
Black-throated blue warblers are cute-looking and very small songbirds weighing just 0.34 oz.
They feed on insects, especially caterpillars, moths, crane flies, and also spiders. They might occasionally supplement their insectivorous diet with some fruit.
Read More: 25+ birds that have black plumage with white spots
Nankeen Night Heron
Scientific name: Nycticorax caledonicus
Lifespan: n/a
Wingspan: 39 in
Head Color: Dark blue-black
Native to: Australia
The nankeen night heron is a medium-sized heron also known as the rufous night heron because of its distinctive reddish-brown plumage.
This stocky bird has a pale breast, a short neck, and a large dark blue-black head. The legs and feet are yellow.
The rufous heron can be found close to rivers and streams where it feeds on freshwater invertebrates, crayfish, sea turtle hatchlings, crabs, fish species like mosquito fish and carp, and some frogs, lizards, and mice.
It is a nocturnal bird that roosts shortly after sundown and is most energetic from dusk to dawn.
Nicobar Pigeon
Scientific name: Caloenas nicobarica
Lifespan: 8-12 years
Wingspan: 21-23 in
Head Color: Metallic gray-blue
Native to: Asia
The Nicobar pigeon is a striking bird with a metallic gray-blue “mane” of hairlike feathers on its head and neck. These long hackles match perfectly with the green and blue iridescent back and complement the green, rust red, blue, and copper wings.
The Nicobar pigeon is a large bird with broad wings, a short tail, and black-brown eyes. It is an omnivore that feeds on hard seeds, fruits, corn, and invertebrates.
Because of their muscular gizzard (the “second” stomach a bird uses to grind food), Nicobar pigeons can digest some hard nuts that humans can only open with a hammer!
These birds are the relatives of the extinct Dodo bird.
Collared Kingfisher
Scientific name: Todiramphus chloris
Lifespan: 11 years
Wingspan: 13 in
Head Color: Turquoise blue
Native to: Asia and Australia
The collared kingfisher, also known as White-collared Kingfisher or Mangrove Kingfisher, is a medium-sized kingfisher with a large, black kookaburra-like beak.
It has a turquoise blue head and wings, a white collar, and white chest feathers. The feet are black. Males tend to have a slightly more blue tint, while females have a slightly more greenish one.
These birds take care of their hygiene and will often take baths by jumping into the nearby rivers or lakes. After that, they can be seen drying and preening their feathers in bright sunlight.
Collared kingfishers are carnivores that feed on insects, crustaceans, small snakes, small birds, small fish, and even mice.
Blue Grosbeak
Scientific name: Passerina caerulea
Lifespan: 6-7 years
Wingspan: 10-11 in
Head Color: Rich blue
Native to: North and Central America
The blue grosbeak is a medium-sized migratory bird that winters in Central America and breeds in northern Mexico and the southern United States. It is a stocky songbird with a very large, triangular silver beak that almost covers the whole face.
Adult male blue grosbeaks have a deep blue plumage color, tiny black masks in front of the eyes, and chestnut wing bars. Females have rich cinnamon-brown colors. The color of the head is rich blue.
These birds often found in open fields and woodland edges will occasionally use snakeskin when building their nests to scare off predators.
To attract the female, the male will sing, and when a female chooses him as her mate he will sing louder than before.
In the USA, these birds can be found in the pine forests of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida.
Tree Swallow
Scientific name: Tachycineta bicolor
Lifespan: 3 years
Wingspan: 12-14 in
Head Color: Metallic blue
Native to: the US and Canada
Tree swallows are small migratory songbirds with long, pointed wings and short, squared, or slightly notched tails. These birds have almost metallic blue backs and heads, together with white throats, breasts, and bellies.
Tree swallows breed in the United States and Canada – they begin migrating south in July and August to western Mexico and Central America.
They are social animals with flocks including thousands of birds. Tree swallows are omnivores that feed on insects, mollusks, spiders, and occasionally on fruit, berries, and seeds.
These small birds are found in Florida, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee.
Blue Peafowl
Scientific name: Pavo cristatus
Lifespan: 20 years
Wingspan: 31-51 in (females); 51-63 in (males)
Head Color: Rich iridescent blue
Native to: India
The Indian peafowl, also known as the common peafowl and blue peafowl, is a peafowl species native to the forests and farmlands of the Indian subcontinent. It is a domesticated bird that has been introduced to many parts of the world.
Male peafowls are called peacocks, while females are peahens.
Blue peacocks are distinguished from green peacocks by the rich iridescent blue color of the head and neck. The green one has a green and copper plumage color.
The blue peafowl is a sacred bird and a national bird of India. It symbolizes re-growth and rejuvenation, royalty, respect, honor, and integrity.
A group of peafowl is called ostentation, or a pride. Certainly fits their appearance.
Blue-headed Quail-dove
Scientific name: Starnoenas cyanocephala
Lifespan: n/a
Wingspan: n/a
Head Color: Cobalt blue
Native to: Cuba
The blue-headed quail-dove, or blue-headed partridge-dove, is a shy plump dove endemic to Cuba. This beautiful and rare bird is endangered, with a declining population of just 1,000-2,500 individuals.
The blue-headed quail-dove, as the name suggests, has a cobalt blue head color, together with black and white head patches.
This rare bird is mainly terrestrial and can be often seen walking on the ground looking for invertebrates, berries, and fruits.
Indian Paradise Flycatcher
Scientific name: Terpsiphone paradisi
Lifespan: n/a
Wingspan: 3.5 in
Head Color: Dark blue
Native to: Asia
The Indian paradise flycatchers are one of the most beautiful birds in the world thanks to their unique and long tail feathers.
These birds come in 2 colors; one of them includes white plumage, a glossy dark blue crown and crest, and a blue ring around the eyes. The other one is cinnamon.
They are very noisy birds that make sharp skreak calls. Indian paradise flycatchers are monogamous birds that mate for life and both male and female birds help with building a nest.
They are insectivores that feed on dragonflies, moths, beetles, winged termites, ants, grasshoppers, and others.
Purple Sunbird
Scientific name: Cinnyris asiaticus
Lifespan: 15-20 years
Wingspan: n/a
Head Color: Metallic blue
Native to: Southeast Asia
The purple sunbird is a small nectar-feeding bird that can be found in South and Southeast Asia. It displays sexual dimorphism – males and females look different.
The breeding purple sunbird male has a plumage that may appear all black (in low light) or dark metallic blue or purplish-black in better light conditions. The head has a mostly metallic blue and purple color.
Females are olive above, yellowish below, and have a thin yellow supercilium above the eye that looks like an eyebrow.
These beautiful birds are omnivores and feed on nectar, insects, spiders, and the flesh of fruits and berries. Purple sunbirds are fast fliers and can take nectar by hovering like a hummingbird.
The purple sunbird is featured on our list of birds that are black and have blue heads. Check this article to see what the rest look like.
Final Thoughts
This concludes our article on 30+ birds with blue heads.
Many species of parrots like the rainbow lorikeet and blue-headed parrot, jays like the green jay and California scrub-jay, smaller birds like the tree swallows, yellow-throated Euphonia, other birds like the blue peafowl, collared kingfisher, blue-headed quail-dove are just a few that have a blue head color.
Many of these species make wonderful pets, and the blue crests certainly enhance their overall appearance.
Hopefully, the next time you get the chance to see any of these birds in the wild, you will recognize them with ease!
Read more: List of birds that have a blue and white color of their plumage